Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Reaction to the Reading wk4

(one of my husband's apps)

This week the reading really resonated with me and for the first time I was not at all skeptical of what I was reading. I do really believe that we all have something that we can "pay forward" so to speak, to someone else. No matter how boring or untalented you are, or feel that you are, there is something good that you can pass on to at least one other person. I totally agree with that sentiment and I think everyone else should as well. When it comes to teaching children giving them that spark of possibility is so important because something so small can be so very motivating to a child. I think that teachers need that spark of possibility even more than children in some cases because so many of them are jaded and cynical after years of experiencing let downs. I think that if I can inspire teachers to the realm of possibility with technology I will be successful.

I also agree with the notion that no matter what the circumstance, either how good or bad, my choices dictate my experience. I can choose to have a good attitude and make the most of what I am given or I can squander the possibilities at my disposal. This is true for a janitor and an administrator. Both can make the most of their environment or be very unproductive. No one is holding any of us back from using our full potential but ourselves.

Sharing inspiration is a hard one sometimes, because a lot of inspiration has to begin from within. I think that communicating the effects of inspiration is the best way to get others to find inspiration for themselves. Blogs, wikis and presentations are the best ways for me to share inspiration in my environment. Hopefully with those means of communication I can foster inspiration in others.

The last chapter hit on something that I really love doing and I have been able to do successfully, and that is tap into someone else's talent and make something better together than we could have apart. Fortunately my husband is that someone else! My husband is an awesome programmer who makes mobile applications for iphone, android and windows. He works for a very innovative company that is doing great things with the mobile platform and we have had the privilege of working together on many things. I have done some filming and video editing for his company that was incorporated into iphone and ipad apps. He trusts my creativity and instincts and I rely on his expertise to deliver the best product that I can. I love working with him and he and his co-workers inspire me very much to do new and innovative things. So yes, I have a WE story!


  1. Lauren I also buy into the fact the each person can pay forward at least once in their life. As teachers we get more chances with our students not with just content but the skills that life requires of us in general. Like being able to work with other people to get something done, this can be as simple as throwing a birthday party or as difficult as launching a rocket into space. Teachers really do give us so much more then the content during each and every class.

  2. I took, and gave, orders most of my life. There were times that I had to check my internal moral compass and try to do what was best for the military and what was best for the individual soldier. It is a fine line between fighting the system and understanding the common good. I was a popular leader in all my assignments. I was not a friend to my superiors and subordinates, but I was recognized for bring energy, intensity and engagement to my assigned positions. I truthfully loved what I was doing and took the virtuous with the distressing while maintaining an even approach to both. When I retired in 2008, the day-to-day joy of my position and place was gone. Now I am hoping to get my mojo back and the many educators in the EMDT program inspire me to find me.

  3. I think that’s awesome that you work with your husband on apps. I wish I had the patience to create an app of some sort but I don’t. It’s important that you bring out the best in someone as they do for you. It’s rare these days so I loved that you shared that.

  4. I also agree wit Tina that as teachers we get many chances to pay it forward. I work in the Tech area at our school and have had the privilege to mentor many students on to a technical degree and then a career in a particular area. I know that this would be considered "just part of my job", but that I feel as if I put in more than what is expected of me in many cases. Congrats on your app development, that is neat that you were able to do it with your husband and you are still talking to each other.

  5. Your "We" is nice to know. It must be very pleasurable to have the ability to share talent and ideas with one another beyond personal. The comment "No one is holding any of us back from using our full potential but ourselves," was great. It was an idea that I had forgotten and that so many of us live in. The choice, the potential, the fill in the blank is yours, theirs, and mine. Inspiration is not necessarily from within. Matter of fact I believe it usually is an outward source that helps us be driven. Everyone's inspirational source is different but can continue in a variety of ways and people. I also believe like in a story that Ben Sander shared about his father that some things you have to be there in person. Inspiration is one of those things. The more personal the better and nothing is more personal than using and tapping into all the senses.

  6. You said :
    I also agree with the notion that no matter what the circumstance, either how good or bad, my choices dictate my experience. I can choose to have a good attitude and make the most of what I am given or I can squander the possibilities at my disposal. This is true for a janitor and an administrator. Both can make the most of their environment or be very unproductive. No one is holding any of us back from using our full potential but ourselves.

    I love this because, it is so true. I look at the janitors at my school. They are all from Cambodia, and they work the longest hours ever, and they always have a smile on their faces and a positive word to say. I would have the worst attitude after, cleaning behind teens, and adults. It amazes me how they never have any mood swings or anything. I have learned that when you have a purpose for what you are doing, nothing that anyone does can shake that focus. I think that the things we see have been tainted so badly we complain as if we didn't have a choice in the matter.
